Description | Part Number |
Fire alarm pressure switch 2 bar | bahaya |
Alarm pressure switch 2 bar Installation Kit * | bahaya |
Low pressure switch – 9 bar | bahaya |
Low pressure switch – 9 bar Installation Kit ** | bahaya |
Solenoid 12 V normally closed | bahaya |
Solenoid 12 V Installation Kit *** | bahaya |
Solenoid 12 V normally closed High Flow model | bahaya |
Solenoid 12 V Installation Kit High Flow model *** | bahaya |
Sintered filter 1/4” BSP male DISCONTINUED **** | bahaya |
Dust plug ¼” port | bahaya |
(*) Set sudah termasuk pressure switch dan Deustch connector pins, plug, boot dan resistor untuk EOL.
(**) Set sudah termasuk pressure switch dan the Deustch connector pins, plugs dan boot.
(***) Set sudah termasuk the solenoid dan the Deustch connector pins, plugs, boots, cable dan sintered filter.
(****) Sintered filter sudah tidak diproduksi sejak Jan 2016, diganti ¼” port plug.
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